Valley Community Counseling Clinic

Shortcut to Co-sign Notes

Now that you have created your signature and learned how to look up and sign notes, you can use the tutorial below to sign the week’s notes all at once!

Step One: Log in to Theranest like you usually do.

Step Two: Notice that on your home screen you will see an icon of a piece of paper with a pencil on it with a number next to it near the top right. The numbers indicate that you have unsigned notes. Click the icon the large red arrow is pointing to in order to get to a list of unsigned notes.

Step Three: You will be taken to a list of unsigned notes. To select the notes all at once, click the checkbox to the left of the word Staff then click the blue “Approve/Sign checked items” button. You can also sign each note one at a time by clicking the green “Sign” button under Actions. To read each individual note, click in the area beneath “Details”.

When you are done signing, you can close your browser window to end your Theranest session.