What it Feels Like to be Lost in a Narcissistic Family

What it Feels Like to be Lost in a Narcissistic Family

The pain, emptiness, and confusion of the lost self can be debilitating and intolerable. It is not, however, a hopeless loss. The adult child of the narcissistic family can be found, or perhaps rediscovered, through the trajectory of a life of healing experiences. Through therapy, caring relationships, spiritual reflection, or any form of reparative growth, with deep effort, care, and self-compassion, one can flourish.

Real Repair

Real Repair

In our intimate relationships, as humans, –we have a strong yearning for a “wrong” to be recognized in it’s entirety, including the effects the offense has brought to others. When the apartheid regime fell in South Africa, to help it transition to a democracy, a commission was established called “Truth and Reconciliation.” The idea was to provide the opportunity for victims to voice their experiences in public forums and be heard, as an important or necessary step to reconciliation in a vastly divided society.